Electronic Cigarettes Money Saving Tips
17th Aug 2022
Today almost everybody is aware of the dangers of smoking. Rather than glamourous, it is seen as dirty. A secret to be hidden as you hurriedly puff out in the cold. Rates of smoking in the UK have dropped to less than 18 percent.
Going Up in SmokeIn 2013 the average price of a cigarette pack soared to nearly £8.00. Of this, an astonishing 77 percent was tax. As of 2021 when the government announced the newest hike in price, a cigarette pack on average stands at approximately £13.60 today, with the price only expected to climb further. According to some predictions, a pack could well top £15 in the next few years. |
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Let’s put that into perspective. Say that you smoke one pack of cigarettes per day. At a rate of £13.60, that is £95 per week, £380 per month and roughly £4693 a year.
A Cost-Saving Alternative
You likely never heard of Hon Lik, but the Beijing pharmacist plays an important role in your cost savings! In 2003, the then 52-year-old pharmacist – and heavy smoker – developed the first electronic cigarette.
Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit CostsIt may seem counterintuitive at first: how could purchasing an electronic cigarette, battery, charger and e-liquid cartridges possibly be less expensive than putting down £13.60 for a pack of smokes? The quick answer? It isn’t. But stay with us; the news gets better. Rather than buying each of these separately, you can invest in a ‘starter kit.’ This is ideal for those new to vaping, as it includes everything you need.
At the conservative estimate of 20 per cartridge, you essentially have five packs of cigarettes for the absurdly low cost of £35. But that’s just the start. You still have the vaporising unit; when you need to replace the cartridges, another pack of five for just over £10, in different flavours and nicotine strengths.
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A Common ‘Side Effect’ of Electronic Cigarettes
Many e-cigarette users report that they find themselves smoking much less frequently when they switch to electronic versions. For those trying to quit, this is a tremendous advantage. While you dial back your nicotine consumption, you also decrease your cravings to smoke. This saves even more money as the need to purchase replacement cartridges diminishes.
Long-Term Benefits
Traditional cigarettes contain over 7000 chemicals. 7000 truly terrifying chemicals; at least 69 of them are known to cause cancer. Formaldehyde. Cyanide. Arsenic. These are not ‘ingredients’ – they are poisons that, under other circumstances, you would not allow in your home or keep strictly under lock and key.
Traditional smokers are at risk for a host of ailments. Over time, many of these require hospitalisation and extensive therapies; including expensive medications and loss of work. Smoking also exacerbates other health conditions, such as asthma, arthritis, circulatory issues, sexual dysfunctions and much more.
A Matter of AppearancesCigarette smoke is noxious; it clings to clothing, hair, car upholstery, furniture and other surfaces. It stains. It yellows teeth and nails. In short, it is less than attractive. Purchasing new clothes, paying for dry cleaning, removing odours from cars and homes and stocking up on strong toothpaste and teeth whiteners gets pricey. Yet it is a cost that very few smokers likely factor into their decision to smoke. |
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Vaping, on the other hand, produces no odour; and because there is no tar in e-liquid, there is no staining of fingers and clothing. Saving money – and looking and smelling better? Sounds like a win-win. Other Money-Saving Avenues to ExploreWe have explored some of the ways that you can save money by using electronic cigarettes. What else can you do to maximise the value of your vaping products? |
Thinking of making the switch to electronic cigarettes? These cost-cutting tips should provide more than enough motivation. But if you need a bit more incentive, take a minute to imagine what you will do with all the money that you have saved by stopping the tobacco habit. |
How Will You Spend Your Savings?
Will you take the holiday you have always wanted? Will you invest more in your retirement? Perhaps you will save up for a car or a down payment on a home? Or will you just enjoy going out to dinner with your significant other or to the pub with your mates without worrying about the pricey albatross of cigarettes? Imagine the possibilities – all the while enjoying the flavour and convenience of vaping.